Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
How was it possible that some members fall asleep or nod off during meetings?
by RULES & REGULATIONS ina while back, we had a saturday wedding reception for a brother and sister from our kingdom hall.
the reception ended at midnight.
most of us got home at around 1:00 a.m. our sunday public talk meeting started at 9:30 a.m. .
Can single sisters get Breast Augmentation?
by friedchicken ini am curious can a single jw sister get a breast augmentation?
will the elders disfellowship her?
will jehovah be angry with her or upset?
Pete Zahut
"Of course the matter of breast Implants is a conscience matter but one must remember and prayerfully consider the fact that the implants will need to be removed in the new system when the breasts of all of or our dears sisters will have grown to perfection. We eagerly look forward to those glorious days indeed and pray that they (the days not the breasts) are near at hand ."(WTJan 2019 pg 21 par 12) -
Will you attend the Memorial 2020 ? - Covid-19 (Coronavirus)
by bats in the belfry in... or rather listen to the advice on their jw news website:.
show love to others.
while we all know the importance of attending christian meetings and participating in the public ministry, if you are sick, it is best to stay home to avoid infecting others.
Pete Zahut
As much as they look forward to the new system, no JW wants to take advantage of their resurrection privileges, early so I think they'll have an on line celebration and each JW can have their own bread and wine at home to pass around and not partake of.
Whatever became of Marvin Shilmer?
by careful in12 hours ago someone resurrected a post by marvin shilmer from years ago.
it was then that i realized that i haven't seen a post from him for a while.
a check shows it's been 4 years.
Pete Zahut
He's working on his next movie "Shilmers List part ll"
Samson and Delilah...A Hollywood movie written in Bible times
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwritten and produced by bible can't make this up!.
who needs hollywood scriptwriters when you already have a bible story that has drama, suspense, and unbelievable twists and turns?
imagine the story of a man who visits prostitutes, kills a 1,000 man army with a skull bone, kills a lion with his bare hands, loses his strength by getting a haircut, gets his eyes gouged out, works at a grain mill and tears down columns with his bare hands, killing himself and the philistines!
Pete Zahut
Where does one get the jawbone of an ass anyway?
This is how crazy it gets!!!!!!!!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara ini ask you all would anyone of you throw a party and have everyone atttending just to look at the refreshments?
would you invite people to a meal only to not be allowed to eat?.
absurd you say!.
Pete Zahut
Millions are invited but only to look at refreshments, never to eat a meal but invited to The lords evening meal! All be warned, tis the crazy season soon,be prepared to receive invites, visits and love-bombing for nought!
I don't recall seeing anywhere in the Bible that Jesus followers went around inviting the general public to the Lords Evening Meal. JW's don't know what to say when you ask them to show you where they got the idea that they had to do this.
Samson and Delilah...A Hollywood movie written in Bible times
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwritten and produced by bible can't make this up!.
who needs hollywood scriptwriters when you already have a bible story that has drama, suspense, and unbelievable twists and turns?
imagine the story of a man who visits prostitutes, kills a 1,000 man army with a skull bone, kills a lion with his bare hands, loses his strength by getting a haircut, gets his eyes gouged out, works at a grain mill and tears down columns with his bare hands, killing himself and the philistines!
Pete Zahut
I loved the part where 1000 Philistine soldiers stood by as Sampson clonked them over the head, one by one with the jaw bone of a donkey.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Pete Zahut
My Wife is one of the Supervisors (20+ years) of a large group of Medical labs who sees hundreds of patients each day. Their sanitation and testing procedures haven't changed because they are more than adequate as they are.
The Lab Techs don't wear masks themselves, rather, the patients are given a mask if they are coughing or sneezing so as to prevent the droplets from being spread. The Techs, because they are working directly in the patients face, only wear a mask if the patient (such as a child) has difficulty keeping the mask on or in place or has a condition that prevents him from wearing one.
There's a lot of silliness and misinformation out there. Yesterday at Home Depot, the cashier was wearing purple Nitrile gloves. I asked her why and she said it was because of the Contra virus. I told her that the virus doesn't bore through the skin rather it is spread by the hands to the mucous membranes of the eyes nose and mouth. The virus could be on the glove just as easily as on her hands.
She looked surprised and said "Well everyone else is wearing them so I figured I better wear them too".
The gloves gave her a false sense of security which could lead to her not washing her hands as regularly and or exposing her hands to the virus because she wasn't trained to take the gloves off properly.
I wonder if she'll run to Costco to get a crate of toilet paper after work.
The Watchtower is now saying to listen to the advice of the United Nations
by Listener inthe watchtower has posted a news item on the coronavirus on their website and officially endorces the advice of who, the world health organization which is described by wikipedia as -.
the world health organization (who) is a specialised agency of the united nations that is concerned with world public health.
it was established on 7 april 1948, and is headquartered in geneva, switzerland.
Pete Zahut
So leave the UN alone. Stop attacking the Watchtower with an issue you do not understand
I'm sure you already do see the irony but for the sake of discussion, I'll take the bait.
As I said in my earlier post, on one hand they believe that we are living in the time of the end and as part of God's plan the end of the system will be marked by horrible things including pestilence and disease and eventually destruction of wicked human governments and evil religions and all who are part of them.
They speak out of both sides of their mouths by alternating between believing that Satan is trying to turn all mankind away from Jehovah by getting them to follow him by transforming himself into an angel of light and/or they believe Satan is out to ruin mankind and intentionally causes them to do evil.
With all of the above in mind, how does the Governing Body know that by taking measures to try and stop the spread of this disease, Satan isn't using the U.N to foil God's end of days plan? How do they know that Satan isn't going to use his wicked organization to do harm to their followers and the rest of mankind?
On the other hand, instead of coming up with a plan of their own for their members to follow, "deep in the time of the end" they direct their followers to the very headquarters of the evil governments that they claim God hates. They trust the U.N. to come up with a sensible trustworthy plan even though they think it's run by Satan.
What's next?? When the end times food shortages begin, will the G.B be instructing the Witnesses to consult the Vatican website to see where their local Catholic Church has a soup kitchen set up?
The Watchtower is now saying to listen to the advice of the United Nations
by Listener inthe watchtower has posted a news item on the coronavirus on their website and officially endorces the advice of who, the world health organization which is described by wikipedia as -.
the world health organization (who) is a specialised agency of the united nations that is concerned with world public health.
it was established on 7 april 1948, and is headquartered in geneva, switzerland.
Pete Zahut
Let me see if I've got this right:
They believe that worldwide sickness and disease is the beginning of Gods plan to end man's "system of things" which includes the U.N and it's various branches, who they believe are backed by Satan himself. They also use a scripture from the Bible to prove that their followers should follow the advice given by this organization, so that they can avoid getting the sickness and disease that they believe is part of God's will.